
Hello Gen­tle­men. My name Dar­ila, orig­i­nally i’m from Rus­sia but last 2 years I lived in Paris.

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My rate:
Incall only
300 - 1h
500 - 90min
600 - 2h
800 - 3h
250 - 1/2h

Greek plus 100

My travel:
coming soon

I really hope we can meet there

I’m the per­fect com­pan­ion for any occa­sion. Let me invig­o­rate your senses, and cap­ti­vate your inner spirit.

I love to have fun and make you smile. I am extremely pas­sion­ate and have the gift to put you at ease by my down to earth per­son­al­ity. My exotic beauty and intel­lect will keep you intrigued and want­ing more.

I really enjoy meet­ing won­der­ful gen­tle­men and cou­ples with whom I can share adven­ture, laugh­ter, and cap­ti­vat­ing con­ver­sa­tion. I have main­tained very nice friend­ships over the years among peo­ple with whom I have shared my time. I am warm, gen­uine, lov­ing, and affec­tion­ate. I have a happy dis­po­si­tion, and I love to laugh and smile. Although I am not a doc­tor I have been known to be quite the couple’s ther­a­pist. I love cou­ples and truly enjoy help­ing them find new and excit­ing ways to spice up, reju­ve­nate and sim­ply allow them to find new mean­ing in their respec­tive relationships.


Age 25
Height 5'3
Weight 115
Hair Long Blond
Eyes Hezel
Ethnicity Russian
Very busty  
No tatto  
Big smile always  


My contact will be available when i'll arrive to USA

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Copyright 2013 Olita Escort
